Nordisk sportsjournalist-møte i Oslo

Aleksander Bolsjunov kommer ikke, men hvordan skal man håndtere russiske utøvere når landet deres har okkupert et annet land? Boikott til evig tid? Foto: Annika Byrde / NTB

Hvordan håndterer vi russiske idrettsutøvere? Hvordan dekker vi VM i Qatar? Det er to av temaene under nordisk kongress for sportsjournalister i Oslo 9-10. mai.

Disse kongressene prøver vi å gjennomføre annethvert år, og de går på rundgang mellom de nordiske land. Norge skulle arrangert sin i fjor, men den ble av naturlige grunner utsatt på grunn av pandemien, Vi gjorde et nytt forsøk i desember, men også den ble rammet av pandemien.

Nå håper vi vi lykkes!

Her er programmet som er sendt ut våre internasjonale deltagere:




The nordic meetings was first time organized in Oslo in 1954. In the first ten year it was organized every year, lasting up to five days.

In the 80s the schedule was changed to every second year, and organized by Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway. In 2009 Estonia was included in the group. 

The motivation for these meetings is to meet and exchange experiences in a part of the world that share much of the same values and principles. And maybe learn a bit from each other.

The three last meetings were held in Helsinki in 2015, Reykjavik in 2017 and Stockholm in 2019. This years meeting should be held one year ago, but was postponed due to corona.

But here we are!


From 15.00: Check in at the hotel. (possible earlier too probably)

16.00: Welcome to Oslo! A short walk to Pressens Hus (House of Media), five minutes walk from the hotel. Trine Ohrberg, head of information Pressens Hus.

16.30: Internal Nordic matters. War in Europe, how to treat the Russians in sports. The discussions inside AIPS. Short update from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Norway. (Iceland too when they arrive about 17.00). Also possible comments from AIPS President Gianni Merlo, if he can join us from Lausanne.

17.15: Coffee break.

17.30: a. The best of Norwegian sports journalism last year. This was the winner in Norwegian media.  Presented by the journalist behind the story, Anders K. Christiansen, VG Sport.

b. Access to sources in post-covid-times. Our own experiences.

18.30: Return to the hotel.

19.30 Dinner at Olivia (Italian restaurant) in Oslo City.



09.30: Leaving for visit Norges Fotballforbund (NFF) at Ullevaal stadium.

10.00: The Qatar question. How has it been treated differently in the nordic countries?

Only Denmark is qualified from the Nordic countries. How will they cover the World Cup?

Last autumn two Norwegian journalists were arrested at work in Qatar. Halvor Ekeland joined us at the digital conference in December, and is available here. Hanne Marie Brevik, editor NRK Sports handled the critical situation from NRKs side. We will have a talk about their experiences and what to expect during the World Cup. Discussion leaded by Gunnar Grindstein from our board.

10.45: An audience of 91.000 people have been ringside at a single female football in Spain. In Norway the average number so far this season is 330 pr match. Why these big differences? How do we cover this sport in nordic countries. Bid for Euro 2025 in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland.

Jon Mørland, member of UEFAs Women’s Football Committee and member of Norwegian FA’s board join us in a discussion about the challenges.

11.30: Lunch at the FA.

12.30: If needed, we can continue with internal matters, if not we return to the city centre.

Free time to work or look around in Oslo harbour.


18.20: Leaving for Roklubben at Bygdøy, close to the fjord and the 100 years celebration of our associtation. There we gather with members of our association and other guests.  There will be a dinner,  and history and development of covering sports. Much of this session will of natural reasons be in Norwegian language, but we will translate as far as its possible!

We walk to the bus transport from Oslo Central Station 18.30. Return to the hotel with buses 00.30 or 01.30. There is also an ordinary bus line connection between this site and the city centre.



Breakfast and hope you have time to check out the city centre before returning home!

In walking distance from the hotel is the brand new Munch Museum and the Opera House.


Main contacts regarding our meeting:

Reidar Sollie: Mobile: 47-971 65 428

Karin Hanstensen: Mobile: 47-934 61 430



Denmark: Jimmy Bøjgaard

Estonia: Maarja Värv

Finland: Nina Jakonen.

Iceland: Edda Sif Palsdottir, Tomas Por Pordarsson, Porkel Gunnar Sigbjörnsson.

Sweden: Petter Nilsson, Petra Thorèn.

Norway: Karin Hanstensen, Gunnar Grindstein, Regine Leenborg Anthonessen, Reidar Sollie.